Tuesday 29 January 2013

What Can We Do?

What are some ways we can prevent global warming from speeding up?

1. Recycle.
The more we recycle, the less emissions companies will send into the air. With the lack of need to create product, the less they'll be running.

2. Moniter our vehicle use.
Do we really need to use our vehicles all the time? With other options like the bus, cabs, and carpooling, we have no need to be using our vehicles all the time. If you need to run to the corner store to grab a jug of milk, walk. If you want to go to the river for a walk? Walk there too. By cutting down our use of vehicles we'll cut down on the emissions we use.

3. Use less Heat/ Air Conditioning
Did you know that by adding insulation to your walls can attic can reduce your heating costs by 25%.
Setting your thermostat even just 2 degrees lower in the winter and summer can save around 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide every year.

4. Use Less Hot Water

5. Plant a tree
When photosynthesis occurs it'll take away the carbon dioxide and create more oxygen.

6. Turn Lights Off.
When you leave a room, remember to turn off all things that may use electricty. Things like the TV, lights, unplug your laptop, cell phone chargers, ect.

7. Reuse your shopping bags.

8. Buy organic and local foods.

Stories of Global Warming

A lone emperor penguin stands on the edge of an iceberg drift in the Ross Sea in the Antarctic, in this Dec. 1, 2006, file photo from Fish Eye Films.

A coral reef off the Caribbean island of Bonaire.


From reading these stories I've learned that global warming is much more serious then we thought, and is moving much more rapidly then expected. If we don't change our ways our Earth will deteriorate before our eyes.

Effects of Global Warming


Global Warming is affecting the Artic because its melting the ice and the glaciers leaving the animals with no where to go.

Global Warming, Defined.

Global Warming: The rise of temperature in the Earths atmoshphere and oceans.

This graph shows the changing temperatures over the years.

Climate Model Projections:

Global Temperature: Temperature is going to increase

Global Precipitation: precipitation will inrease in tropical regions,

Precipitation extremes and droughts: Greater risk of droughts, and an increase in precipitation.

Snow and Ice: Snow cover and Sea ice will decrease, ice caps will lose mass and begin to melt.

This cartoon is describing the effects of the snow and ice regions melting and which animals will be affected.

Common Weather Folklore and Proverbs

"Clear moon, frost soon."

"Halo around the sun or moon, rain or snow soon."

"When the stars begin to huddle, the earth will soon become a puddle."

"Rainbow to windward, foul fall the day; Rainbow to leeward, rain runs away."

"Seagull, seagull, sit on the sand, It's a sign of rain when you are at hand."

"The moon and the weather may change together, But a change of the moon, will not change the weather."

" When grass is dry at morning light, Look for rain before the night. "

" Chimney smoke descends, our nice weather ends."

" The farther the sight, the nearer the rain."

" The first and last frosts are the worst. "

We can't believe in these proverbs because their is no phsyical evidence of these being true. These are much like other folklore myths. For example the ground hog.

Meteorology and Weather Prediction

       Uses electromagnetic radiation to sense precipitation.

       Uses infrared images to show cooler temperatures and warmer temperatures


Weather Fronts and Systems

Fronts: The boundaries between air masses of different temperatures.
Warm Front: When warm air is moving toward cold air this is a "warm front"
Cold Front: When cold air is moving toward warm air it is a " cold front"
When neither the cold air or warm air is moving this is called a " stationary front"