Tuesday 29 January 2013

What Can We Do?

What are some ways we can prevent global warming from speeding up?

1. Recycle.
The more we recycle, the less emissions companies will send into the air. With the lack of need to create product, the less they'll be running.

2. Moniter our vehicle use.
Do we really need to use our vehicles all the time? With other options like the bus, cabs, and carpooling, we have no need to be using our vehicles all the time. If you need to run to the corner store to grab a jug of milk, walk. If you want to go to the river for a walk? Walk there too. By cutting down our use of vehicles we'll cut down on the emissions we use.

3. Use less Heat/ Air Conditioning
Did you know that by adding insulation to your walls can attic can reduce your heating costs by 25%.
Setting your thermostat even just 2 degrees lower in the winter and summer can save around 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide every year.

4. Use Less Hot Water

5. Plant a tree
When photosynthesis occurs it'll take away the carbon dioxide and create more oxygen.

6. Turn Lights Off.
When you leave a room, remember to turn off all things that may use electricty. Things like the TV, lights, unplug your laptop, cell phone chargers, ect.

7. Reuse your shopping bags.

8. Buy organic and local foods.

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